The average human being loses 50 to 100 strands of hair daily, though this varies from person to person. Sometimes, you can find more hair than usual in your comb or bathroom sink depending on the time of the year. This can indicate one of two things; you are undergoing seasonal hair loss, or you are experiencing Alopecia. But what is seasonal hair loss, and what is Alopecia?
This blog will give you insight into hair loss and explain why we lose more hair during fall than any other season.
Like leaves, our hair goes through a cycle beginning with active growth, maturation, and later shedding off. The dynamic growth stage is known as anagen. This phase lasts about 2 to 6 years, during which the hair grows around 1cm per month. The maturation phase is known as Catagen, and it lasts approximately 2 to 3 weeks, during which hair growth stops and the root begins to shrink. The last stage, which is the shedding stage, is known as telogen.
During this time, the hair remains anchored in the scalp but inactive and then falls off. The whole process of Seasonal hair loss is also known as Telogen Effluvium.
There is no scientific explanation as to why we tend to shed more hair in autumn than in other seasons, but there are several theories about it. Some experts believe that we need more hair in the summer to protect us from direct sunlight, and we tend to shed it off at the beginning of fall. Others say that the stress we suffer after summer is what triggers hair loss. Others even claim that the lack of sunlight during fall affects the hormones bearing an impact on hair growth.
These are also possible justifications of hair loss during autumn, but none has scientific roots.
Alopecia is a disorder that involves hair loss. It can be genetic, triggered by hormonal changes, stress, or improper nutrition.
It is different for both men and women in terms of where the hair loss starts and how much volume is shed.
Seasonal hair loss is a form of Alopecia, but it is natural compared to the other types of Alopecia. They include:
1. Androgenic Alopecia
This is a common type of hair loss that affects most people above the age of 50. It is more common in men than in women and is brought about by genetic factors. It is common in men due to the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone that hinders the growth of new hair during the anagen stage.
2. Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata is a disorder that affects body immunity, weakening the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.
3. Anagen Effluvium
Anagen Effluvium is an abnormal hair loss mainly triggered by drugs used for cancer treatment or exposure to toxic chemicals.
If you have been wondering whether your hair loss is seasonal or Alopecia, here is how you can differentiate the two.
During seasonal hair loss, the hair volume and density remain the same, and there is no noticeable difference in the appearance of hair.
During Alopecia, hair density is lowered in specific areas or even the entire scalp, and it appears thinner and unhealthy.
At Innoaesthetics, we have the perfect treatment for your hair loss. We have specific hair loss control treatments for both men and women designed to help you enjoy whole scalp voluminous hair. Our Treatments will help prevent hair fall and boost hair growth.
INNO-TDS® Hair Loss is a specific treatment for male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia.
Stimulates microcirculation in the scalp and inhibits the formation of DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. Effectively prevents hair loss and improves its density.

INNO-TDS® Hair Vital is a specific treatment for alopecia in women
Powerful intradermal treatment based on Sulphur Amino Acids and coenzymes to specifically treat alopecia in women. Nourishes the hair follicle, preventing its fall and increasing its density.

INNO-DERMA® Hair Lotion effectively slows down or stops hair fall completely. Stimulates blood flow and nourishes the bulb, strengthens the hair, and promotes its growth, thus improving hair volume and density.

INNO-DERMA@ Hair Caps Supplements that stimulate blood flow in the scalp and promote the nutrition of hair follicles. They effectively promote hair growth and prevent its fall.